Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Lib Dem councillor has got himself a blogging!

After a couple of months berating my local councillor that I wanted to hear more of his news and read more of his views than his quarterly FOCUS leaflet that hits my door mat, my councillor has got himself a blog.

And about time to!!

There is so much going on in Swindon at this time, and the town centre (where I live) is going through a most fantastic regeneration, that I could fill a political blog easily with news, views and stories.

Sadly my time of being party-political is over. Did I hear you cheer?
How very dare you
As a Policy and Partnership Officer at the challenging Swindon Borough Council, I dare not speak of party politics. Especially as those in charge are of a Blue persuasion. But hand on my heart, I think they are doing a decent job. And the Leader of the Council is head and shoulders better than any we have had for a good few years now... Very visionary.

But hey, I said I would not be party political - so shut my mouth.

As for Cllr Dave Wood and the Eastcott Focus Team - keep up the good work with the blog... I will be watching closely.

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